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Personal guidance that you feel comfortable with.

Looking for a gym with fitness in Eindhoven? Plan a free and no-obligation visit to Essink Sports Center in the Genneper Parks or Essink City Gym in the center of Eindhoven. While enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, we are happy to show you what we can do for you.

Fitness Sportschool Eindhoven Essink


Milon is 'fitness new style'. Faster, safer and more effective. Ideal, even if you don't like sports

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Fitness Sportschool Eindhoven Essink


The alternative to Personal Training in Eindhoven Pixformance Circuit guides you in the correct execution of you

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You set the pace

Essink gives more than 100 group activities every week, from a high-intensity Body Attack to a quiet Easy Flow Yoga. Are you more into individual fitness? Our attractive fitness room is not massive, but is aimed at giving everyone of all levels a pleasant workout. With the high-tech Milon Circle you achieve faster results than ever, with only 35 minutes per training.

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Essink Health

They preceded you

Demi van Zantvoort

Nice, beautiful club, with many different group lessons. Always room for fitness. Made good choice to become a member here :)!…

Ingrid Verhulst

Great atmosphere, friendly, good guidance, fun group lessons and you are making progress !!

A fully automatic system where your personal pass adjusts all machines to your body size and level. Easy right?

Why do people choose Milon at Essink?



Essink employs expert, qualified and above all fun trainers. They are interested in you and find it important that you stay motivated and reach your goal.


Result program

In addition to the excellent equipment, you follow the proven results program at Essink. This is a tailor-made plan, depending on your sporting goals. With the recurring consultation appointments a good 'big stick' and an inexpensive alternative to personal training.



You go to your sports club more often if the atmosphere is good. Employees at Essink do their best to make you feel at home and are happy to have a chat if desired. Essink has a loyal group of members who have enjoyed sports for years.

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